The Black historical legacy of Chicago remains a constant source of fascination for me. During a visit to The Hermitage in Denver’s Cherry Creek North District I stumbled upon “Land of Hope: Chicago, Black Southerners, and the Great Migration,” a historical book written by James R. Grossman. It examines the journey of Black Americans from the South to Chicago during the Great Migration that occurred between 1915 and 1960.
Fueling my interest are my paternal grandparents who were a part of this Great Migration from the South, having lived in Union Springs, Alabama.
Grossman offers readers a deep look at the challenges faced by Black migrants as they struggled to find work, housing, and a sense of belonging in the face of discrimination and segregation. The book also delves into the cultural, social, and political changes that took place during this era, including the rise of the civil rights movement.
My grandparents were a part of this great migration from the South, having lived in Union Springs, Alabama.
James R. Grossman is an American historian and professor of history at New York University. He is also the Executive Director of the American Historical Association. Grossman has written extensively on the history of Chicago, including his first book, A Chance to Make Good: African Americans, 1900-1929. He has also co-edited numerous books on American history and is a respected voice in the field of historical scholarship.
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