Mar 14Liked by Diamond-Michael Scott

Good morning! I love your content, insightful reviews and willingness to share. You are a revelation.

On Michael Jordan, I will admit a bit of pettiness that still holds true for me at 64.

Background - I worked as a Hill staffer for 20 years, including stints as Chief of Staff. In 1990, I volunteered to work on the campaign of Democratic candidate for the Senate, Harvey Gantt. Among other things, Mr. Gantt integrated Clemson University (I believe) and was an excellent Mayor of Charlotte, NC. My skill set then was helping my then-boss draft the Civil Rights Act of 1990. Sen. Jesse Helms vehemently opposed the bill. Knowing Helms, an avowed racist, would come out against the bill, we wanted to be ready with our arguments.

At some point in the campaign we got word that allegedly Michael Jordan would not endorse our candidate over Jesse Helms. Jesse Helms. The man who whistled "Dixie" to the lone Black Senator in an elevator. Who despised Martin Luther King, Jr. and a man to whom I briefly served as Chief of Staff, John Lewis. What?

You recall Gantt lost by less than five percentage points. Would Jordan's support put Gantt over the edge? Who knows. Paraphrasing Jordan, Republicans buy sneakers too. No one should be judged by one moment in time so I am gradually getting over the most bitter electoral loss of the 40 campaigns I've volunteered or managed. Mr. Jordan has done amazing things in his life, far surpassing anything I will ever do. Thanks for your analysis again.

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